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12-7-11 Hockanum River Commission Minutes

December 7, 2011

PRESENT:        Paula Saaf, Chair, David Cannell, Christine Durrer, Anthony Hollister,
                Bruce Jokubaitis, late arrival Peter Klock (absent from meeting James Reik)

CALL TO ORDER:  Meeting Started at 6:13p.m.

OPPORTUNITY FOR RESIDENCE TO SPEAK: Curtis Stoldt stopped by with concerns for kayaking the Hockanum River.  When he was last out he ran into problems with trees in the river. He would like to help out where he could with the efforts to clean up the Hockanum River.  Commission members welcome him to be apart of their clean up efforts.

Minutes from September 21, 2011 Bruce 1st and Christine 2nd

OLD BUSINESS:    No Old Business

Paula stepped down as Chair.  Christine says she is interested in Chair opening. Bruce 1st the nomination, David 2nds - all in favor - motion carries and Christine is now new Chair.
Meeting Dates for 2012 are as follows: March 21, June 13, September 19 and December 12.
Christine shared information she has gathered for calendars.  VistaPrint maybe too expensive and plans to look into what it would cost to have Staples or another retail chain produce the calendar. She is still looking for submission of pictures.  Also asked commission members for ideas on how to go about selling the calendars; two suggestions where possibly through Town Hall and Parks & Recreation Department.
Angel Beaulier handed in resignation as Clerk for the Hockanum River Commission.  Commission search for clerk on their own.
Paula informs commission that Roger Moss is no longer with the town and Jim Uhrig is filling in until there is a permanent replacement as director.  She continued by saying Parks would no longer be in charge of clean up and now their contact would be Tim Bockus the Acting Director of Public Works.
Peter Klock joined the meeting around 6:50.  He was late because he had been attending the Rotary Club meeting where he was looking for their support with the next Duck Race.  Possible dates for the duck race were mentioned with Memorial Day being one of them, if not then sometime before the end of the school year.  Peter feels it would be a good idea to get the Interact Clubs in local and surrounding High Schools involved in the Duck Race.

ADJOURNMENT:     Meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.